Monday, December 29, 2014

How is Brain Health Affected by Dehydration?

What is one of the most important things to do daily to keep the brain healthy?

The answer: Re-hydrate

The brain is about 85% water, and can be seriously affected by as little as a 10% loss. Every day of life your body loses water through your breath, urine and sweat glands even when youre not trying to work up a sweat. This is why it is critical to constantly re-hydrate your body and sodas, coffee and tea don't count toward this requirement.

These drinks are typically high in caffeine, which acts as a diuretic that can dehydrate rather than rehydrate . Worse yet sodas and fruit juices along with other sweetened beverages are primary sources of high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners which will only deteriorate your health.

So the answer is to drink pure water daily .The question is how much water do you need to drink each day? For decades the guideline has been you should drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. For some people this may be too much and not enough for others.

Your water requirement can also vary wildly from day to day depending on a number of life factors, such as your activity level and weather conditions.

Fortunately, your body is equipped with a built in mechanism that tells you when you need to replenish your water supply. Its called thirst. Theres also a simple way to gauge whether or not you need to drink more water even though you may not be feeling thirsty.

Watch for the Signs that Your Body Needs Water

When your body loses between one to two percent of its total water content, it signals the brain and you feel thirsty. Using thirst as a guide to how much water you need to drink is a good way to ensure your individual needs are met everyday. The problem is if you quench your thirst with soda you will actually dehydrate the body.

Most studies show that about 70% of the population are dehydrated and need to drink more water. This is particularly true for the elderly and children. It is also wise to listen to the more subtle signals your body sends telling you that you need to drink more water. These signals can be:

·         Fatigue

·         Mood swings

·         Hunger even after eating

·         Lack of concentration

·         Back pain

·         Painful  joints

·         Dry skin and deeper pronounced wrinkles

·         Infrequent urination

·         Constipation

According to recent research the senior population with dementia, are six times more likely to be dehydrated. Dehydration also tends to be more common among people taking more medication.

According to BBC News

The reasons older people do not drink enough water is because as we age we lose our sense of taste so they may not be as thirsty to re-hydrate daily. They may also decide not to drink because of continence issues or because they don't have as much social contact or forgetfulness."

There are better ways to re-hydrate

While drinking water can help flush out toxins if it is unfiltered water there may be more pollutants than you realize. Most tap water contains an array of harmful contaminants, including chlorine, fluoride, pesticides, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical drugs.

Most of us feel we are doing something healthy by drinking bottled water but there are many reasons to reevaluate this option. Drinking from plastic water bottles can pose serious health risks from industrial chemicals like bisphenol A(BPA/BPS)which leach from the plastic itself into the contents of the bottle. BPA and BPS are chemicals linked to learning and behavioral problems.

Bottled water also costs about 1,900 times the price of regular tap water, and may or may not have received any additional treatment. Studies have shown that 40 percent of bottled water was regular tap water with possibly no additional filtering treatment. I recommend using glass jugs to store filtered water instead of plastic for all the reasons discussed earlier.

For occasions when you want some flavor simply add some fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice to your water. As noted in a previous blog lemon water has over a dozen health benefits.

Sliced cucumbers can also add a refreshing twist. If you want a touch of sweetness, add some natural Stevia which is among the safest sugar substitutes. Another option is to simply add a drop or two of natural peppermint extract or a few crushed mint leaves. If you want an electrolyte type sports drink,try coconut water, which is a rich natural source of potassium and electrolytes. Look for one that has no additives.

Theres no doubt that you need pure water for optimal health. Simply swapping out all the bottled beverages you indulge in for pure water can go a long way toward improving your brain health and concentration.  The amount, however, is something you need to fine tune based on your individual diet and activities.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Reduce Holiday STRESS!

The holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year or the most joyous. We have the choice as to what the season has in store for each of us!

Stress is more than just a state of mind. We as humans tend to create more unnecessary stressors on ourselves than any other species. Stress has real physical components, including brain overwhelm, tight muscles, headaches, difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep, abdominal pain, allergies and asthma, inflammation, and high blood pressure.

Some results of stress may have long-term consequences. Prolonged high blood pressure, for example, may lead to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Long-term inflammation may lead to weight gain, diabetes, and even kidney disease.

Of course, we could have stress because we create our own stress. We're stressed about all of the extra holiday activities, finances, time constraints, traffic etc. Now we begin worrying about all the things that could go wrong because we are under stress. Not a good plan.

A better brain plan would involve being proactive and beginning to take action steps that support our health and well-being. The action steps include the usual suspects that go by the wayside this time of year - exercise and good nutrition. Everyone knows they "should" be doing regular exercise and "should" be eating good food every day instead of all the holiday goodies. The difficulty is we rationalize that it's the holidays and we will get back on track after the New Year.

The way to reducing one's stress levels is in choosing to take proactive action ahead of time. We choose healthy behaviors because we want to, not because we think we "should". The concept of personal choice is powerful and may lead to shifts toward behaviors that are healthy.

Choosing good health habits year round improves our lives in countless ways. By choosing, we take back the power of good health. Everyone in our lives benefits by our renewed energy, creativity, productivity, and love for life.

As your health and wellness expert your well-being is most important to maintain.
As the New Year approaches and you find yourself off track, we would be glad to help.
Make sure to take advantage of our Better Brain Academy free video series in January 2015. I will be sharing cutting edge mind body strategies in a simple language to guide you through a stress less way to recreate everyday living.


Appel LJ, et al: Effects of comprehensive lifestyle modification on blood pressure control: main results of the PREMIER clinical trial. JAMA 289(16):2083-2093, 2003

Elmer PJ, et al: Effects of comprehensive lifestyle modification on diet, weight, physical fitness, and blood pressure control: 18-month results of a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 144(7):485-495, 2006

Viera AJ, et al: Lifestyle modifications to lower or control high blood pressure: is advice associated with action? The behavioral risk factor surveillance survey. J Clin Hypertens 10(2):105-111, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2014

What are the Best Dietary Sources of Omega-3 Fats?

Our brain is made up of mostly Omega-3 fats and about 80% water. More and more medical research and overwhelming scientific evidence, is validating how important it is to get enough Omega-3 oils in your diet.The best sources are either from wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, and anchovies, or a high-quality Omega-3 supplement. These essential fats are absolutely crucial for your optimal mental and physical health.

While a helpful form of Omega-3 can be found in flaxseed, chia, hemp, and a few other foods, the most beneficial form of Omega-3 contain two fatty acids, DHA and EPA. Both are essential in fighting and preventing both physical and mental disease. They’re primarily found in animal-based seafood like fish and krill.

Because almost all seafood can become contaminated with environmental pollutants like PCBs and mercury, you have to be careful about the types of seafood you consume when trying to increase your Omega-3 fats. The best strategy to remember is the closer to the bottom of the food chain the fish is, the less contamination it will have accumulated. Sardines, in particular, are one of the more concentrated sources of omega-3 fats, with one serving containing more than 50 percent of your recommended daily value.

There is a lower risk of authentic wild-caught Alaskan sockeye salmon accumulating high amounts of mercury and other toxins because of its short life cycle(only about three years).It is my opinion that even If you eat a lot of fish, you should still supplement high grade Omega-3 Oils.

It is less widely known that you can also get your Omega-3’s from krill oil, and it may, in fact, be preferable to do so. In laboratory tests, krill oil remained undamaged after being exposed to a steady flow of oxygen for 190 hours. Compare that to fish oil, which went rancid after just one hour. That makes krill oil nearly 200 times more resistant to oxidative damage compared to fish oil! When purchasing krill oil, you'll want to read the label and check the amount of astaxanthin it contains. The more the better, but anything above 0.2 mg per gram of krill oil will protect it from rancidity.

I believe that Omega-3 oil supplementation is one of the 4 main pillars required in our daily diet for proper health and brain function. The other three pillars are a high quality Multi vitamin, probiotics for proper gut health and vitamin D3. You should always check with your doctor before starting a supplementation plan for proper dosage and any possible drug contraindications.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Fats DO NOT Equal FAT! Are Fats Needed for Healthy Brain Function?

Food processing with hydrogenated oils (trans fats) and high fructose corn syrup, along with excessive ingestion of sugars has dramatically affected the increase in diet related illness .Our ancestral diet was very high in saturated fats and virtually void of sugar and non-vegetable carbohydrates. Today, not only do most of us eat excessive amounts of carbohydrates, these carbs are refined and highly processed.

Twenty years ago the trend was to eat a low fat / high carbohydrate diet to reduce cardiovascular disease and strokes. In the last decade, we've also shifted over to genetically engineered (GE) grains and sugar (GE sugar beets and corn), the long-term health effects of which have never been established. These two trends have increased the inflammation process in the body which can lead to plaque build up in the cardiovascular system.

This mistaken fat phobia has undoubtedly played a significant role in the dramatic rise in dementia and other neurological disorders, because your brain cannot function properly without fats. In fact, most people benefit from up to 50-75 % of their daily calories in the form of non processed fats for optimal health while they are seeking to resolve their insulin resistance.

For comparison, the American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat to between 5-6% percent of total calories! There's no doubt in my mind that the lowered recommendation of good fat level is contributing to the poor health and the increase in dementia.

While trans fat consumption has decreased by about one-third since 1990 many are still getting far too much trans fat in their diet. The problem is that it's oftentimes hidden. Even products boasting a "zero trans fat" label can contain trans fat, because food manufacturers are not required to list trans fat if it falls below a certain amount per serving.

Using ridiculously tiny serving portion is a legal loophole that permits food manufacturers to mislead you about the trans fat in their products. As a general rule, to avoid trans fats, you need to avoid any and all foods containing or cooked in partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, so be sure to check the list of ingredients.

I also believe that that use of satin drugs to lower cholesterol (a substance made by the body) is leading to decreased brain function. Cholesterol is absolutely necessary for hormone production and the plaque build up in arteries is a protective mechanism from inflammation in the body. Since hydrogenated oils and sugars contribute to this inflammatory process it seems like a better choice to restrict these foods rather than take a potentially harmful medication.

Research shows that we need to add more good fats from fish, grass feed beef, free range chickens along with seeds and nuts to reduce inflammation. If we eat more like our ancestors and reduce processed foods many of today's lifestyle related illness would create a course correction and allow healing instead of inflammatory processes.

Listed below are sources of healthier fats to add to your diet :

  • Avocados or avocado oil
  • Non farmed salmon or supplementation of omega 3 oils              
  • Clarified Butter (Ghee)made from raw grass-fed organic milk.       
  • Organic pastured eggs including yolks
  • Coconuts and coconut oil      
  • Unheated organic nut oils      
  • Raw nuts, such as almonds, pecans, macadamia, and seeds         

Monday, November 24, 2014

What is the Most Important Thing to Do to Improve Overall BRAIN HEALTH?

What is the most important thing to do to improve overall brain health?

My answer: REDUCE the inflammatory process in the body .

The implementation of reducing inflammatory responses in the body is one of the best strategies to stay healthy and feel better. If you hear a diagnosis ending in "itis " it is a process of inflammation or trauma. Just think of arthritis, colitis, sinusitis, gastritis, bursitis, and many more. Many of the ailments our patients present at the office come from the negative effects of inflammation on the body's chemistry.

It is always important to look at mental, emotional, physical, and chemical stressors. Our brain chemistry is affected by all of these factors. In this blog I will be addressing the nutritional foods that reduce inflammation in our body.

TOP 8 foods that should be in your regular DIET:

1. Curry

Curry contains turmeric, a spice that in turn contains the anti-inflammatory antioxidant curcumin. Curcumin is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, which is one reason why it holds promise as a neuroprotective agent in a wide range of neurological disorders.

Research has shown that curcumin may help inhibit the accumulation of destructive beta amyloids in the brain of Alzheimer's patients, as well as break up existing plaques. Curcumin has even been shown to boost memory and stimulate the production of new brain cells, a process known as neurogenesis.

A word to the wisesome curry powders may contain very little curcumin compared to straight turmeric powder, so choose the latter for the best health benefits.

2. Celery

Celery is a rich source of luteolin, a plant compounds that may calm inflammation in your brain, which is a primary cause of neurodegeneration. Luteolin has also been linked with lower rates of age-related memory loss in mice. Make sure to always buy organic celery.

3. Broccoli and Cauliflower

Broccoli and cauliflower are good sources of choline, a B vitamin known for its role in brain development. Choline intake during pregnancy "super-charged" the brain activity of animals in utero, indicating that it may boost cognitive function, improve learning and memory,

It may even diminish age-related memory decline and your brain's vulnerability to toxins during childhood, as well as conferring protection later in life. Any food that looks like the brain has to be good for you.

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are good sources of plant-based omega-3 fats, natural phytosterols and antioxidants, and have been shown to reverse brain aging in older rats. Walnuts also look like a miniature brain so they are easy to remember if you want a better memory.

5. Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)

Garbanzo beans are one of the best food sources of magnesium (aside from kelp and green leafy vegetables). Magnesium citrate benefits brain cell receptors to speed the transmission of messages, while also relaxing blood vessels, which allows more blood flow to the brain.

6. Cold water fish

Non farmed salmon have a high amount of omega 3 oils that are necessary for proper brain development and function. Supplementation of omega 3 oils is the best way to get regular doses of these vital oils.

7. Red meat

Grass-fed beef is an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is vital for healthy brain function. People with high levels of markers for vitamin B12 deficiency are more likely to score lower on cognitive tests, as well as have a smaller total brain volume, which suggests a lack of the vitamin may lead to brain shrinkage.

8. Blueberries

The antioxidants and other phytochemicals in blueberries have been linked to improvements in learning, thinking and memory, along with reductions in neurodegenerative oxidative stress. They're also relatively low in fructose compared to other fruits, making them one of the healthier fruits available.

Start TODAY...your body and health will thank you for it!

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Five Biggest Fears Parents Have About ADHD Medication

It is estimated that more than 10 percent of ALL school age children are now on some sort of medication for ADHD and will continue to rise. I know that there are alternatives to this approach and I see families transformed by lifestyle changes as opposed to drugging our kids. As a wellness doctor, parent and grandparent, I think this is one of the greatest mistakes we as a society are doing to our future generations.

About two-thirds of children diagnosed with ADHD take medications as part of their ADHD treatment. The concerns you may have as a parent are legitimate when faced with the decision of placing your kids on ADHD meds. This is not a simple decision and lifestyle changes should be considered first before drugs. There are many unanswered questions regarding the short- and long-term side effects. Over 30 years of experience in private practice I have compiled what I feel are the five most common fears parents have about ADHD treatment decisions for their children

These are the most recent answers to the questions families have about medicating their children and what science and doctors say about them. These are only a list of fears and not the solution to the problem.

Alternative solutions to ADHD treatment and prevention will be addressed in future blogs.

 Fear No. 1: "ADHD medicines will stunt my childs growth."

Research shows that there is a slight chance of ADHD medications slowing growth, about 2 to 3 percent, stated Dr Handelman MD,author of attention difference disorder. However his statement was" that doesn't mean your child will be a foot shorter than he should be. If anything, it could be two to three centimeters". ADHD medications can affect growth hormone at certain stages of development.

Fear No. 2: "ADHD medications can cause my child to have a heart attack."

Research shows some ADHD medications can raise a childs heart rate and blood pressure.
The American Heart Association recommends that anyone, child or adult, be evaluated by a cardiologist before starting a stimulant, which is what most ADHD medications are. The cardiac evaluation should include an electrocardiogram if the child has a history of heart problems.

Fear No. 3: "My child will be on medications for the rest of his life.

Studies show that once prescribed most children need medications for most of their structured education, at least through high school and maybe through college, stated Dr Handelman MD

Fear No. 4: ADHD medications will cause my child to gain weight.

Typical ADHD medications are stimulants, and stimulants actually may cause weight loss, not weight gain, explains Pejman Katiraei, DO, FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician who focuses on ADHD and runs the Lifespan Medicine Healthy Kids Program in Santa Monica, Calif. Stimulants can suppress appetite, and some children may have stomach pains from the medications.

However, some physicians prescribe other medications "off-label," meaning they are not FDA-approved for ADHD, and those medications can cause weight gain. Typically, though, these medications are for children who exhibit aggressive behaviors and not ADHD symptoms, Dr. Katiraei says.

Fear No. 5: My childs brain will not be able to develop normally.

The research on this question is not complete and may be skewed by statistics. Some parents are concerned that the use of ADHD drugs could interfere with normal brain development. However, studies at the National Institutes of Health looking at the use of ADHD medications over time are inconclusive as to how they to affect brain growth and development.

This is my #1  question in relation to the way treatment of ADHD is moving in western medicine.

Is putting a child on a medication early in life setting a mindset to take a drug to affect how they feel for the rest of their life?

The lack of understanding by the general population as to what is causing this epidemic problem is just sweeping the needed lifestyle changes under the rug.

It is my opinion that adding a drug to our growing children is a societal problem that must be addressed. A  drug is a drug and children learn early on as to how they will live the rest of their lives. Most ADHD treatment plans must include nutritional advice, exercise and psychological therapy. This problem must include parents making changes at home and working with your childs teachers.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Can the NEWS Make You Sick?

I see more and more patients coming into the office under CONSTANT stress watching the daily news. We are living in a time where anxiety is more the norm than the exception. Most people are unaware of whats driving it subconsciously or of the profound impact it has on our health and lives.

A patient of mine that works in school counseling recently told me about the many children she is seeing who are filled with high levels of anxiety and are afraid of basic things like going to school or going into the school bathroom. They tell her things like: “if I am around other kids I might get very sick and die,” or “someone could hurt me if I go into the bathroom.”

When she looked deeper into their fears she realized they had all been exposed to the negative effects of pop culture media and had heard news of children getting exposed to lethal viruses, or being kidnapped in bathrooms. This constant daily barrage has subconsciously created children walking around in fear.

Adults experience the same response and often don't realize how much their kids are listening. Right now the Ebola virus and terrorist attacks are all over the news. The fear tactics of news media bringing calamity into our homes is creating more illness because constant fear suppresses the immune system.

Ive heard many people ask:
“But I need to be aware of whats going on so I can protect myself!
Isnt a little fear good for me so I avoid things that could hurt me?”  

My answer to that Is that there is a big difference between having intelligence and wisdom to avoid a dangerous situation…and living in fear. When we live our lives on  “high alert” our immune system is suppressed, our heart rate is affected, our food does not get digested, and our sleep is interrupted, so we get sick much easier.

The NEWS is not meant to support and inform us. The NEWS is big business and unfortunately BAD news sells.

So…what do I recommend?

Go on a NEWS fast for 7 days and see how you feel!
Ditch the newspapers and turn OFF your TV for one week. Yes, really. This has a profound and immediate impact on your wellbeing and the health of your body. Even your brain activity will become healthier…all within days.

I know you might not like this idea but we as a society are addicted to our news and electronics. When I teach my stress without distress class and recommend the news fast many people will gripe about the process and are bewildered that I am asking them to live “in isolation.” What they find instead is that they not only feel healthier and more at peace, but they very quickly deepen their connection and intimacy with family and others they love.

Im not asking you to live in a cave for the rest of your life to preserve your health and I'm not asking you to ignore whats happening around you. I promise, all the information you need to live a safe and healthy life will come to you anyway. Just try this for a week and see how you feel inside. Your brain wave patterns will be more natural, and concentration/rest will become much easier.

Better Brain TIP:

·         Unplug your television and don't log into your favorite internet news for one week.
·         Evaluate your internal level of stress at the end of the day.

·         Fill the time with conversation about your day with the family and not about world events.

Friday, October 31, 2014

ADD and Chiropractic Care-A Mothers Testimonial

Mindy’s own words about her son Aiden's changes since chiropractic were so powerful we knew their story could impact hundreds of lives around them!  Here is their story. Mindy knows children are vibrant, loving gifts from God but imagine struggling so much with your child that it caused “intense frustration, stress and fear over his behavior.” Mindy told us Aiden’s behavior had gotten so bad they were getting kicked out of Sunday school, play groups, and even family members weren’t comfortable watching him. Mindy and her husband prayed frequently that God would show them the answer. Mindy was driven to find the right answer; she discussed proposed options with her parents, pastor, friends and even his pediatrician. Everyone agreed that Mindy’s vibrant son Aiden would likely be diagnosed with a type of ADD or ADHD and be prescribed something like Ritalin. Mindy and her husband “DIDN’T WANT THAT!”
Mindy was told by Aiden’s doctor he would “just out grow it.” However Mindy knew deep down that his aggression and unprovoked attacks on other children were not normal and she was not willing to just wait until he hurt someone else’s child to look for help. Then help came in the form of Mindy’s great friend Melissa. Melissa and her girls had been patients of Dr. Bobs for a few months. While at the office one week Melissa overheard a discussion of pediatric treatment, and asked Dr. Bob he thought he could help. He said yes and so she suggested the idea of bringing Aiden in for a consultation right away. Mindy told us, “I was skeptical, but Melissa assured me that Dr. Bob was great and I had nothing to loose.”
Mindy’s account of Aiden’s first treatment gave our staff chills. Mindy told us, “After seeing the results of Aiden’s exam I was devastated. The x-rays Dr. Bob took showed that his C-1 vertebrae was completely impacted into the base of his skull and was causing him constant pain. Since he had likely suffered the injury during a severely traumatic birth experience, he had never had a moment NOT in pain. At 2 ½ he didn’t know enough to explain the suffering. I felt terrible but Dr. Bob was confident he could treat Aiden successfully. He adjusted Aiden that day and I remember crying in the office after Aiden responded by exclaiming ‘Mommy! I feel all better now!”
Now Aiden loves to play and is constantly busy at the park, hiking, bike riding, and zoo trips. He and his family love to be outside and are continually active! Mindy said “Now that Aiden is been under regular care for over 6 months our lives have changed dramatically. Not only are we able to enjoy activities with our son we are finally getting to know his true personality. We had only known Aiden as sad, angry and aggressive. Now we have discovered he is smart and funny. He is an extremely loving little boy who now snuggles, hugs and kisses constantly. He is consistently happy, plays, laughs and smiles all the time. Dr. Bob not only help Aiden physically he has allowed our son to finally become the person he was designed to be. It’s like being introduced to our son for the first time.”
Mindy and Aiden have truly been a gift to our Chiropractic USA family. Aiden’s laughter fills our office with love and joy every time he walks through the door. Now with Aiden’s growing family and the newest addition of his “baby sister” we are so excited to call them all our family.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The 4 Phases to Create a Better Memory

Your brain works like an electrical circuit. Every time you learn something new, connections form between neurons in your brain. Just as in a house an electrical current travels through a circuit, in your body signals are transmitted from one group of neurons to another. The more the pathway is repeated the stronger the electrical signal and the stronger the connection between the neurons.

If you have a daily ritual, you have experienced the effects of a strong unconscious memory connection. Getting behind the wheel of your car, putting the key in the ignition, and backing out of your driveway then driving to work can all happen without you even thinking about it. This feeling of an unconscious memory is a result of brain circuitry thats been strengthened through repetition. To get to the unconscious level you must go through all four phases of learning

The FOUR Phases of Learning

1) Unconscious incompetence-this would be the first time you every tried drive a stick shift and kept stalling the car.( you don't know that you don't know)

2) Conscious incompetence- this is when you realize that you need more practice before you get out on the road.(you know that you don't know)

3) Conscious competence- this is when you feel confident to drive on the road but you still need to pay attention and focus on the process of shifting.
(You have to think but you know)

4) Unconscious competence - this is when you don't have to think about driving and are on autopilot because you have created a memory connection at a subconscious level. (you do things automatically without having to think)

Anything that you learn must go through all 4 stages of learning. Any top athlete, musician, surgeon, martial artist, race car driver, etc all had to go through these stages.

This applies to anything in life. It has been shown that it can take ten thousand hours to become a master at anything. The main question is "what are you willing to master in your life and what stage of learning do you get stuck?”

If you would have given up after falling down several times in learning to walk you would still be crawling. It is so important to remember that anything worth learning takes time, repetition and effort.

More attempts mean more connections and more effective learning. Just as the strength of neural connections plays a role in learning, so does the quantity of connections. 

To create a better brain make it a point to go deeper into your learning process and consider daily education!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Brain Damage, Seizures and Artificial Sweeteners

The more we try to change nature the more potential problems we create. Altering the chemistry of proteins in the case of artificial sweeteners has been shown to alter brain chemistry. Aspartame found in most diet sodas, hundreds of snacks and packaged foods can change the chemistry of YOUR brain.

Aspartame converts to Formaldehyde, a product of methanol and gathers in certain areas of the brain potentially causing degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and ALS. Aspartame consumption can also trigger seizures in both epileptics and other individuals without a history of epilepsy.

Changes in white matter known as amyloid plaques are associated with memory problems found in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. The study of white matter has been advancing with the neuroimaging techniques and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain.

Grey matter can also be affected by repetitive consumption of artificial sweeteners .The gray matter contains most of the brain's neuronal cell bodies. The grey matter includes regions of the brain involved in muscle control, sensory perception such as seeing and hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, and self-control.

It is my opinion that eliminating artificial sweeteners from your diet is one of the smartest brain health decisions. When making brain health changes always make sure to add movement of the entire body to stimulate the brains healing capacity. While 20% of all oxygen taken in by the body goes to the brain, 95% of that goes specifically into the grey matter which will help in brain regeneration.

Better Brain Tip:

Read ALL the labels this week and eliminate Aspartame(nutrisweet) from your consumption!

Monday, October 13, 2014

What Helps Regeneration of the Nervous System?

Nervous system conditions seem be escalating in today's ultra-fast paced environment. Finding ways to reduce the degeneration of the nervous system is a buzz topic in the research community. There are a broad range of natural/whole compounds with proven nerve-regenerative effects:

One research study found a combination of blueberry, green tea, and carnosine have neuritogenic (i.e. promoting nerve regeneration) and stem-cell regenerative effects in neurodegenerative disease.

Other researched nerve regenerative nutritional substances include:
  • Cur cumin
  • Apigenin (compound in vegetables like celery)
  • Blueberry
  • Ginseng
  • Red Sage
  • Resveratrol
  • Royal Jelly
  • Ashwaganda
  • Coffee (trigonelline)

These nerve-healing substances, known as remyelinating compounds have also been shown to stimulate the repair of the protective sheath around the neurons known as myelin, and which is often damaged in neurological injury and/or dysfunction, especially autoimmune and vaccine-induced demyelination disorders. 

As we teach through the Better Brain Academy we must use all of our senses to create a healthier brain and nerve network. It should also be noted that music and falling in love have been studied for their stimulating neurogenesis, regeneration, and/or repair of neurons, indicating that regenerative medicine does not necessary require the ingestion of anything; rather, a wide range of therapeutic actions may be employed to improve health and well-being, as well.


A 2010 study published in the journal Rejuvenation Research (i.e. promoting neuronal regeneration) and stem-cell regenerative effects in an animal model of neurodegenerative Diseases

Monday, October 6, 2014

What is Whole Body Vibration Therapy?

Whole body vibration therapy (WBVT) is becoming more popular in mainstream healthcare for the purpose of stimulating muscles along with lymph and cerebrospinal fluid flow for improved health. There have been numerous documented reports worldwide of increased mental clarity, improved athletic performance and physical strength along with reduction of toxicity in lower extremities.

Whole body vibration is a generic term used where any vibration of any frequency is transferred to the human body. Whole body vibration therapy (WBVT) is a precise discipline where varying frequencies/amplitudes/forces will be transferred into separate body parts using specific joint angles for any limited time (approximately 1 minute sets)

WBVT can be split into 2 simple categories:

WBV Physiotherapy and WBV Training. WBV Physiotherapy includes stretches and massages in light contact with the machine or with minimal body weight behind the position. These positions affect the lymph flow and should be zero effort (burning no energy). The most widely promoted WBV Physiotherapy position is standing upright, lock-legged on a pivotal or low energy lineal machine.

WBV Training causes static muscle contraction and is always done through a series of poses. The most common positions include a half-squat, half-push up, wide stance squat, triceps’ dip and the plank hold. These static positions are usually held for a maximum of 1 minute and are designed to burn the maximum amount of energy in the shortest amount of time while causing no joint damage. In WBV Training terms this means if a position is being held correctly, muscle fatigue in the targeted body part should be reached within 1 minute.

There are two categories of machinery – Pivotal and Lineal. The best way to describe these actions are as follows; Pivotal is like jumping side-to-side from one foot to the other; Lineal is like jumping up and down or doing push ups in one spot. Pivotal primarily works on the speed of the machine, looking at peak performance of approximately 27 HZ (cycles per second).

A pivotal machine running on a low frequency (12 Hz and under) would be mainly used for physiotherapy applications and some strength and conditioning. Above this frequency it enters the area of exercise discipline and comes with some associated risks. For example, high speed with incorrect positioning could cause injury.

In as early as the 1880s and 1890s, John Harvey Kellogg was utilizing vibrating chairs, platforms and bars at his Battle Creek, Michigan sanitarium. These methods were part of his "wellness" strategies for inpatient and outpatient treatment.

In the 1960s Russian scientist Nazarov used whole body vibration for treatment and rehab for athletes. He observed a substantial increase in flexibility and strength after the application of vibrations in the athletes. The Russians also carried out experiments with "Biomechanical Stimulation" for the benefit of their athletes as well as in their space program. Unlike WBV devices on which the user stands, Biomechanical Stimulation uses vibration stimulation directly on muscles or tendons.

Due to the lack of gravity in space, astronauts and cosmonauts exhibited muscle atrophy (muscle impairment) and bone loss, which forces them to return to earth rather quickly. NASA, since 1961, has been doing tests at adding light vibrations to pre-existing exercise equipments such as the Treadmill Vibration Isolation System (TVIS) and the Cycle Ergometer Vibration Isolation System (CEVIS).

In order to elicit a stretch reflex in the muscles, the major contributing factor to the training results that can be achieved with vibrating platforms, the up-down movement is the most important. The platform is vibrated upwards to work directly against gravity and therefore is called "hyper-gravity".

Another immediate effect of WBVT is an improvement of circulation. The rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles at 20 to 50 times per second basically works as a pump on the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, increasing the speed of the blood flow through the body .This can cause a tingling, prickling, warm sensation in the skin from vasodilatation (widening of the blood vessels) as a result of the vibration.

Long term

In order to have any effect on the body in the long term it is vital that the body systems experience fatigue or some sort of light stress. As in other kinds of training, when the body is overloaded repeatedly and regularly, the principle of supercompensation applies. This principle is the cause of the body adapting to loading. In other words: performance will increase.

The discipline of vibration training has been popularly crossed with other disciplines ranging from yoga, Pilates, boxing to plyometrics. Even though this goes against the idea of pure vibration training It seems to catch the imagination of personal trainers and consumers.

Better Brain Tip

Try a whole body vibration therapy session and feel the positive effects. Call our office to set up your complimentary consultation regarding our WBVT options.

Sorichter, S; Koller A; Haid C; Wicke K; Judmaier W; Werner P; Raas E. (July 1995). "Light concentric exercise and heavy eccentric muscle loading: effects on CK, MRI and markers of inflammation". Int J Sports Med. 16 (5): 288292. doi:10.1055/s-2007-973007. PMID 7558524.
Albasini, Alfio; Krause, Martin; and Rembitzki, Ingo. (2010). Using Whole Body Vibration in Physical Therapy and Sport: Clinical Practice and Treatment Exercises. London: Churchill Livingstone.
Paschold, Helmut W. and Mayton, Alan G. (2011). "Whole-Body Vibration: Building Awareness in SH&E." Professional Safety 56: 3035.
LIAO, LIN-RONG; LAM, FREDDY M; PANG, MARCO; JONES, ALICE; NG, GABRIEL (March 2014). "Leg Muscle Activity during Whole-Body Vibration in Individuals with Chronic Stroke". Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 46 (3): 537545. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182a6a006.
Biermann, W. "Influence of cycloid vibration massage on trunk flexion". American Journal of Physical Medicine 1960 (39): 219224.
Kunnemeyer J, Schmidtbleicher D.: Die neuromuskulaire stimulation RNS, Leistungssport 2: 39-42, 1997.
Marín, PJ; Rhea, MR (2010). "Effects of vibration training on muscle power: a meta-analysis.". Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association 24 (3): 8718. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181c7c6f0. PMID 20145554.
Rittweger, J (2010). "Vibration as an exercise modality: how it may work, and what its potential might be.". European journal of applied physiology 108 (5): 877904. doi:10.1007/s00421-009-1303-3. PMID 20012646.
Rauch, F; Sievanen, H; Boonen, S; Cardinale, M; Degens, H; Felsenberg, D; Roth, J; Schoenau, E et al. (2010). "Reporting whole-body vibration intervention studies: recommendations of the International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions". Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions 10 (3): 1938. PMID 20811143.
Abercromby, AF; Amonette, WE; Layne, CS; McFarlin, BK; Hinman, MR; Paloski, WH (2007). "Vibration exposure and biodynamic responses during whole-body vibration training.". Medicine and science in sports and exercise 39 (10): 1794800. doi:10.1249/mss.0b013e3181238a0f. PMID 17909407.
Burkhardt A.: Vibrationstraining in der Physiotherapie - Wippen mit Wirkung, Physiopraxis 9/06, s.22.25, 2006
Issurin, VB; Tenenbaum, G (1999). "Acute and residual effects of vibratory stimulation on explosive strength in elite and amateur athletes.". Journal of sports sciences 17 (3): 17782. doi:10.1080/026404199366073. PMID 10362384.
Bosco, C; Cardinale, M; Tsarpela, O (1999). "Influence of vibration on mechanical power and electromyogram activity in human arm flexor muscles.". European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 79 (4): 30611. doi:10.1007/s004210050512. PMID 10090628.
Delecluse, C; Roelants, M; Verschueren, S (2003). "Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training.". Medicine and science in sports and exercise 35 (6): 103341. doi:10.1249/01.MSS.0000069752.96438.B0. PMID 12783053.

Delecluse, C; Roelants, M; Diels, R; Koninckx, E; Verschueren, S (2005). "Effects of whole body vibration training on muscle strength and sprint performance in sprint-trained athletes.". International journal of sports medicine 26 (8): 6628. doi:10.1055/s-2004-830381. PMID 16158372.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Brain to Body Communication- Making your Body Smarter!

When you think of your body does the word "smart." come to mind? For example, we walk to the corner store without giving a single thought to the complex mechanics involved in getting there and back. But behind the scenes there's plenty going on and your body's "IQ" has a lot to do with your success in accomplishing everyday tasks.

One of the most important parts of the brain function is directing the messages to and from the brain to the body. This process is called "Proprioception" and is one of those background physical processes that make up your body's total IQ. Proprioceptors are specialized nerve endings located in your muscles and joints that inform your brain about your body's position in three-dimensional space.

You're able to write legibly because proprioceptors are sending instantaneous data about the angles of the small joints of your fingers and wrists as your pen moves across the page. You're able to run on the beach because proprioceptors are continuously sending signals to your brain about the changing shape of the uneven surface of the sand.

Without these specialized nerve endings, we'd never be able to hit a baseball, throw a Frisbee, or drive a car. But proprioceptors can be smart or less than that. It all depends on how well-trained they are. One person out for a stroll might trip over a crack in the pavement and suffer a badly sprained ankle. Another person might trip over the same crack, even badly turning over their ankle in the process, and keep on walking without even a trace of a limp.

The difference between injury and non-injury is the level of proprioceptor training, and this level usually is related to whether you're doing regular exercise. Exercise trains your muscles and joints to adapt to varying kinds of stresses (weight-bearing loads) throughout a variety of positions (the full range of motion of those joints).

As a result, trained proprioceptors can withstand a high degree of stress (such as a sudden twisting of an ankle). The untrained ankle, possibly the ankle of a person who hasn't done much walking, running, or bike riding in the last 5 years, will be damaged by an unusual and unexpected stress. The result is an ankle sprain of varying severity and possibly a broken ankle.

Similarly, it is well known that older adults experience more frequent falls than do younger adults. Part of the explanation involves proprioception. Many older adults don't engage in regular exercise. Proprioceptive function decreases, changes in level or surface aren't recognized quickly by the person's feet and ankles, and the person falls.

It's easy to see that the effort to maintain your body's IQ is time very well spent. The fastest way to boost this skill set is by doing regular exercise. All kinds of exercise provide benefit, so the best exercises are the ones that have some interest for you personally. Optimally, a person is doing both strength training and cardiovascular exercise. As always, the key to long-term health and wellness is consistency.

Better Brain Tip:

Start a walking routine that varies in speed and elevation to stimulate better brain body coordination

Wong JD, et al: Can proprioceptive training improve motor learning? J Neurophysiol 2012 Sep 12 [Epub ahead of print]
Ferreira ML, et al: Physical activity improves strength, balance and endurance in adults aged 40-65 years: a systematic review. J Physiother 58(3):145-156, 2012

Howe TE, et al: Exercise for improving balance in older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev  2011 Nov 9(11):CD004963.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Neuroplasticity: Can the Brain Rewire Itself?

Scientists in the past once believed that when a person reaches adulthood, their cognitive abilities became fixed and that injury to the brain was permanent. But beginning in the early twentieth century, that theory has been contested by evidence suggesting that the brains abilities are in fact malleable and plastic.

According to this principle and term; Neuroplasticity, the brain is constantly changing in response to various stimuli and experiences. New behaviors, new habits, new learning’s, and even environmental changes or physical injuries may all stimulate the brain to create a new pathway or reorganize existing ones. This appears to be fundamentally altering how information is processed and used in the future.

I am a big fan of the online brain training company called Lumosity. This technology teaches the brain how to create stronger neural connections to keep the brain healthy. The premise is nerves that fire together are wired together .In a recent blog
Neuroplasticity was explained in relation to habit patterns and brain size and function.

Lumosity information:

Mapping changes in taxi driversbrains
One of the most dramatic and early examples of Neuroplasticity comes from a 2000 brain scan study on London taxi drivers (Maguire et al., 2000). In order to earn a license, London taxi drivers typically spend about two years learning to navigate the citys serpentine streets. The studys researchers wondered what mark this long, rigorous period of training had left on taxi driversbrains.

Under the scrutiny of functional MRI scans, 16 male taxi drivers were revealed to have larger hippocampuses than a control group of 50 healthy males. And the longer the time spent as a taxi driver, the larger the hippocampus tended to be. As a brain area involved in memory and navigation, the hippocampus seemed to have changed in response to the taxi driversexperiences.

Most instances of Neuroplasticity-based changes in the brain are much more subtle. But in recent decades, its cases like that of the London taxi drivers that have inspired members of the scientific community to pursue the next logical step in research: rather than passively waiting to see how the brain might respond to circumstances, is it possible to direct that capacity for change, targeting improvements in specific abilities?

The Science of Cognitive Training:

The science of cognitive training seeks to answer the above mentioned question. In 2013 alone, 30 cognitive training studies were registered on the government database Lumosity scientists, with the help of outside collaborators, contribute to this research effort: so far, 7 peer reviewed studies have been published using Lumosity as a cognitive training tool for diverse populations, including healthy adults, cancer survivors, elderly people, and children with a genetic disorder.

Better Brain Tip:

·       Don't get stuck in a rut, do something different every day!

·       Sign up for Lumosity's free brain training program and take a test drive

·       Take a different route to work so you have to Think about your  directions.

·       Prepare and Eat a different vegetable than you are used to eating regularly

·       Perform a different Movement or exercise to challenge new nerve pathways  and muscles 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Can our Mind Reprogram our Genes?

Answer this…

  • How much control do we have over our own lives?
  • Are we really controlled by our genes like some modern scientists and authors want us to believe?
  • Just how much power do we have to shape our lives and those of others?

Contrary to what many people are being led to believe, a lot of the emphasis placed on genes determining human behavior is nothing but theory and doctrine. Go back in history to 1990; a huge, international research program began the human genome project. Its main goal was to map out all human genes and their interactions using computer software and then to convert that knowledge into (profitable) “benefits” for mankind, such as finding cures for the most horrible diseases.

The hype was everywhere in the scientific community and they sure made it sound promising for wiping out diseases and spent a lot of taxpayersmoney on it, but was the whole project used for good? Personally, I dont think so!

In essence, what this central dogma says is that since it is proteins that carry out the essential life-processes inside our cells, and their functions can only do what our genes say (this is what was believed in the medical establishment) then we humans are nothing more than the expression of our genes.

This outdated theory is still being taught in medical schools and universities all over the world today. Fortunately for all conscious people, this disempowering belief has been proven to be false.

There is an innate intelligence at play in life that we cant even begin to understand. According to this new science called Epigenetic's there is an interplay of forces between living beings and their environments. Plenty of highly intelligent biologists have proven beyond a doubt that the genes do not determine human outcomes – it is our responses to our environment that actually determine the expression of our genes.

 Genes can be activated and de-activated by signals from the environment through our senses . The consciousness of the cell is inside the cells membrane. Each and every cell in our body has a type of consciousness. Genes change their expression depending on what is happening outside our cells and even outside our bodies.

What Does This Mean For Our Health ?

We are free to make conscious decisions that impact our lives and those of others. We are not robots carrying out the commands of our genes. Our beliefs, diet, thoughts and movement can change our biology. We have the power to heal ourselves, increase our feelings of self-worth and improve our emotional state. Every aspect of our lives can be improved with the right intention.

The worst thing we can do as thinking and feeling human beings is to lose touch with our deep internal messages and positive emotions and let fear and anger take over our lives. The part of the brain called the limbic system regulates messages throughout the body that affect how we feel. When we allow ourselves to be taken over by negative thinking we are putting ourselves in a mental-biological state of the fight or flight response.

In order to grow positively in life we need to express positive emotions such as love, compassion, and joy .It is critical to feed our innate thoughts to conquer our fears and limiting beliefs to improve our own lives. When we change our beliefs and consciously control our emotional states we change our lives.

Better Brain tips:

Get in touch with the emotions you are feeling throughout the week. Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle.
On the left capture all the emotions you feel throughout the week ( left brain)
On the right side write down all the emotions you want to feel ( right brain )

Outcome: Determine what triggers each response and strengthen positive emotions and address negative emotions

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