Monday, March 31, 2014

Strategies to Create a Better Memory

         This is the first blog in a series that will focus on the strategies to create a better memory, and why it is vital to keep overlapping and linking memories for Better Brain health. I have found the most practical and beneficial memory techniques for daily life involve better techniques to remember names, lists and numbers.
          Creating a memory is the process in which information is received, stored, and retrieved. Encoding allows the information that is received from the outside world to reach our senses in the forms of chemical and physical stimuli. In this first stage we must change the information received so that we may put the memory into an encoding process.
          Storage is the second memory stage or process. This is vital for the maintenance of information over a period of time. Nerves that fire together are wired together so the more we repetitively link how we see, hear, feel, and move will improve how to retrieve the information for longer storage potential.
          Finally the third process is the retrieval of information that we have stored. We must locate it and return it to our consciousness. Some retrieval attempts may be effortless due to the type of information.
          Sensory memory holds sensory information for a few seconds or less after an item is perceived. The ability to look at an item, and remember what it looked like with just a second of observation, or memorization, is an example of sensory memory. It is out of cognitive control and is an automatic response. With very short presentations, participants often report that they seem to "see" more than they can actually report.
          Short-term memory of lists or numbers allows recall for a period of several seconds to a minute without rehearsal. Its capacity is also very limited: George A. Miller (1956), while working at Bell Laboratories, conducted experiments showing that the storage of short-term memories are best remembered if limited to 45 items, however, memory capacity can be increased through a process called chunking.
          This experiment is why phone numbers are broken down into smaller subgroups. For example, in recalling a ten-digit telephone number, a person could chunk the digits into three groups: first, the area code (such as 123), then a three-digit chunk (456) and lastly a four-digit chunk (7890). This method of remembering telephone numbers is far more effective than attempting to remember a string of 10 digits; this is because we are able to chunk the information into meaningful groups of numbers.
          Implementing daily memorization techniques is a great way to continual exercise the brains storage capacity.

WATCH the video below for the list memorization strategy and start applying today!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Head Trauma and Turning Tragedy into Triumph

Each day is truly a gift and we never know what moment may be our last. In 2002 my wife and I were in a severe helicopter crash. By all accounts we shouldn't have survived. The crash resulted in multiple injuries including a head trauma to my wife. The trauma from the impact set in motion a chain reaction of neurological problems and short circuiting of normal function.
ALL medical treatment in the first 90 days after the crash lead to more and more side effects.  After exhausting ALL standard medical care had to offer and the bleak prognosis given, I went on a quest to find better answers. My philosophy has always been to give the bodies innate ability to heal the best chance possible. After about one year my wife was still having a lot of neurological challenges.
At a large chiropractic conference in Las Vegas I was introduced to Dr. Roger Turner, world renowned cranial adjusting specialist from Canada. I was intrigued as I watched him examine and treat patient after patient .Many of them seeing almost instantaneous change including my wife. Her severe headache was relieved and the tremors were noticeably improved after just one adjustment.
This opened my eyes to how adjusting the bones of the skull can directly affect brain function. It also gave me hope that there were many treatments performed by brain specialists around the world that can enhance healing and create better brain activity without medication. Physical examination of the skull will often uncover areas that show residual signs of trauma and need proper treatment. Evaluation and cranial adjusting has been documented back to 200 B.C. in China and popularized in the 1700s in Britain.
Phrenology was the name given to the first scientific study of the shapes, distortions, bumps and alignment of the 22 bones of the skull. Through treatment the early phrenologists documented their findings as to the distortions of the skull and their relationship to the organs resulting in health conditions.

     I made it my quest to continue to learn from the experts the best ways to evaluate and treat the brain and nervous system without medication. Cranial adjusting created almost miraculous results for my wife and the hundreds of patients I have been blessed to care for since the learning the treatment.
Many times a trauma can lead to a tragedy and it is difficult to understand why something happened. I believe that this tragedy was turned into a triumph by sheer persistence and never giving up. It's up to us to determine what choices we make or the emotions we associate to our lessons in life. The trauma also led my wife down a path to share her knowledge from this healing journey to become a Chopra certified Ayurveda Practitioner. We never know what twists and turns life will give us. As I look back more than a decade later

I know that I was able to help many people with treatment from the knowledge I learned. It's up to us individually to look for the good in all things and strive to turn a tragedy into a triumph.


Monday, March 17, 2014

How Does Exercise Improve Brain Health?

          The brain is often referred to as a muscle memory organ. New research is showing that the interaction between brain activity and exercise is even more important than previously thought. A paper published in 2012 in the Journal of Physiology investigated how regular exercise might also increase energy levels in the brain. The study was based on measuring Glycogen levels before and after exercise. Glycogen is the way the body stores energy for use during physical activity. It is a critical energy source for neurons and muscles, and it decreases initially as you spend energy during exhaustive exercise.
          However, there is a phenomenon called super compensation that elevates glycogen levels even above preexisting  levels within 24 hours after exercise is completed.

The question: Does super compensation work on the brain as it does on muscles?
According to the study done in Japan in 2012, Glycogen decreased by 50-63% during exercise. 6 hours later however glycogen levels rose 29-63% higher than per-exercise levels. The boost in energy available to the brain may account for the mental alertness that many people report after exercise.

          Exercise showed to have even longer term effects on the brain. The study showed that doing exercise 5 x a week for only 3 weeks raised glycogen levels in the cortex of the brain by more than 10% in the control group. This study provided valuable insight into ways that exercise improves brain energy and function. Increased Glycogen levels are the way the brain reacts to environmental stressors. Exercise reduces the stress or "fight or flight" response that affects the brain and ultimately our entire health.

More than ever before studies like this are proving how staying healthy means taking care of both our brain and our body. Mental, physical, and nutritional wellness habits are the way to live a longer and more VITALIZED life.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Better Brain Food for Better Brain Health

In preparing for my Better Brain Blueprint lecture series I have discovered how much research has truly defined the worst foods for long term brain health.

Let's start with the BAD news:

            Most people have no clue how much these common foods can indeed harm the brain, both in impaired memory and diminished learning ability. The wrong drink and food choices ingested throughout your life can even lead brain conditions such as Attention Deficit Syndrome or the terrible and deadly disease of Alzheimer's. As more and more baby boomers are needing to take care of their aging parents many don't even stop to think that they may be next. Lifestyle changes can alter the course of our overall health, however it is very easy to get trapped into a quick fix mentality.
            It's long overdue for our society to stop the outside in, sickness care, lets add another drug,  "health delivery system."  We need to start taking daily accountability for our actions to prevent future illness before its to late. Even in our 20s, 30s ,40s and 50s, the daily food choices we make can change the course of our future health and vitality .

What's the # 1 food that harms the brain?

            According to a 2012 UCLA study published in the Journal of Physiology, high fructose corn syrup consumption was at the top of the list for producing damage over time to the memory and learning centers of the brain. Even beyond the potential brain damage, a high fructose diet can also cause insulin resistance and may be the cause for the spike in diabetes in adolescents. A high fructose diet also has been shown to affect blood fat levels that cause higher cholesterol and lead to plaque formation in the arteries.
            So the outcome is a high fructose corn syrup diet = impaired learning and memory! In addition is gives you the consumer an increased  chance of developing diabetes and heart disease. The obvious external sign of physiological stress is extra belly fat. This is how the body stores the deadly yellow fat from increased toxicity. Yeah...Let's have another can of soda or large bowl of ice cream!!!
            High fructose corn syrup is used as a preservative and sweetener in almost anything in a package (bag, can, container, etc). The typical person that eats the western diet of processed foods consumes large quantities of high fructose corn syrup in sweetened drinks, cakes, ice cream, cookies, salad dressings, orange juice, cereal, breads, chips and even condiments like ketchup! Read your LABELS!
            Even the so called "sport drinks" and bottled teas marked as healthy can have large amounts of crystalline fructose that is equally bad for the brain and body. All of these high fructose products can be easily avoided with mindful eating habits. Being conscious of everything that passes your lips helps alleviate what I call "Oral Amnesia." Just imagine that at the end of the day everything that you ate was placed in a bowl of which you could see your entire consumption of foods and liquids. What would that look like? This is what becomes your body !
            Recently I was riding through the park and as I  passed a family having a picnic celebration, what caught my attention was a mother screaming at her 5 year old son for feeding their dog a Coke and some Doritos . It made me cringe as she was screaming at him saying "don't feed the dog Coke it will make him sick". WOW what does she think this is doing to her child!
            We MUST each become more conscious of our health and well being. The future sickness care costs for families and our country will bankrupt us if we continue down this path most Americans are currently on.
            Some of the best ways to prevent overeating these harmful chemicals is to make homemade dishes or dressings and read labels. For example making a salad dressing with olive oil, apple cider or balsamic vinegar, and spices greatly reduces high fructose corn syrup and excess fats. Drink consumption can be as much as 50% of daily calories from sodas and juices. Make a conscious choice to drink unsweetened ice tea or water with lemon, instead of canned our bottled drinks. Artificial sweeteners also increase cravings for more sweets leading to many health problems. If you use a lot of ketchup cut back on the quantity, by organic or use more mustard or hot sauces that have much lower fructose levels.
            Eat naturally! Natural whole fruits do contain fructose but in MUCH smaller amounts
Than a sweetened drink. The whole fruit also contains antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals that are actually great for brain health. Lemons and limes contain almost ZERO fructose and have been shown to control blood sugar.

Other Harmful Foods:

There are several other foods that also harm the brain that are just as detrimental to overall health.
            Trans fats - these are chemically altered oils that are also used widely as a preservative or for cooking. These oils are very inflammatory in your entire body and have been shown to damage cell membranes. I recommend avoiding hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils along with deep fried foods. Inflammation in the body leads to Alzheimer's, Attention Deficit and dementia if left unchecked.
            Mercury- Studies show that even trace amounts of mercury have devastating effects on the health of the brain and nervous system. These can get into the body through air and water pollutants from coal burning plants. Mercury is also used in several inoculations such as the flu shot. Eating fish high on the food chain such as tuna, shark, swordfish or bottom feeders such as shellfish lead to mercury accumulation. I recommend limiting these type of fish to 1-2 times a month and focus more on non farmed trout, salmon or smaller fish to reduce mercury ingestion.
            Wheat based products-Dr William Davis wrote a thought provoking book called "Wheat belly".  In this book he lays out the groundwork to the addictive qualities of wheat on the brain. He explains how wheat products have been genetically modified the past 20-30 years and contain compounds called "exorphins" that have the same effect on the brain as opiate drugs. This helps explain why people have such a difficult time giving up their beloved pastas, breads, cereals, muffins and bagels because they are addictive.
            This addictive quality explains why you may find yourself going back for 2nds and 3rds of your favorite pasta dish. Or the reason why even after a big dinner you still get cravings for more carb type foods or sweets as you fade into a PASTA COMA. I  have found if I pass on the bread and pasta and eat more meat and veggies I feel totally satisfied without the sweet cravings.

The GREAT news is...
            There are plenty of herbs, super food's and spices that help protect the  brain and prevent health problems. In my opinion there are several must things to do for taking better care of your precious and amazing brain.
Supplement Omega 3 oils daily. Omega 3 fish oils are best if they are pharmaceutical grade from small cold water non farmed fish. Almost everyone can benefit from supplementing omega 3s to reduce the inflammatory and oxidation processes of aging. They promote healthier pregnancies ,pediatric development and neurological growth along with better heart function, joint health, and even weight management. If taking blood thinners like Coumadin make sure to consult with your physician first.
Add the spice Turmeric to your cooking. This spice is one of the most powerful  antioxidants and has the highest brain health protective properties. In India they have the lowest incidence of Alzheimer's where most of the meals contain curry which contains turmeric.
Berries are a No- Brainer to eat on a daily basis (no pun intended). Make sure that they are organic and/or washed properly to remove any potential pesticides.

            If we all just STOPPED and really set up our lives to eat healthier on a regular and consistent basis, our future health would improve. I  recommend that for the next 7 days that you keep a diet diary of EVERYTHING you consume. This is this first step to alleviating "ORAL AMNESIA" and waking up to a healthier tomorrow!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Best Ways to Stretch YOUR Body and Mind

          Our body and our mind have a innate ability to stretch only to the level of our own limiting beliefs. If we are not stretching ourselves consistently we will tend to contract in both mind and body .

          We all know that stretching of muscles improves joint health and helps prevent injuries. It is equally important to stretch your mind for better brain function. There is a natural law that muscles will contract and develop increased rigidity if they are not regularly stretched. The same thing holds true for our mind. If we are not learning new things and creating new nerve connections we get rigid in our outlook on life and reduce brain function.
          Stretching is just as important as strength training and endurance but often neglected or overlooked in a wellness routine. We tend to underestimate the importance of flexibility in our lives.

Here are some of the benefits of stretching your body and mind.
•    Increases blood flow – blood flow gives you greater endurance, more strength and healthy brain function along with stronger bones and joints.

•    Release tension – flexibility reduces mental and physical stress resulting in improved posture which helps reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.

•    Improved coordination - brain exercises help improve memory and muscle stretches increase flexibility ,improves balance and coordination.

      Improves range of motion – flexibility makes it easier to move those joints and keep them healthy.

   Keeping active throughout life is imperative for a healthy brain. Increasing our focus to use all of our senses at a higher level creates better nerve synapses and a healthier nervous system.

          Flexibility is defined as the ability to move joints and muscles through their full range of motion. Even though we are in control of this range of motion, our bodies have a natural ‘set’ point. Through proper stretching exercises, we can push the set point farther. Over time, the muscles acclimate to the more elongated positions and which will increase our flexibility.
          With the technology world we live in most of us sit behind a computer all day. This practice can lead to the common “rounded shoulder and forward head syndrome.” This in turn leads to neck, shoulder and lower back pain. If you were to look at the posture of someone that was depressed; would they have good posture? Probably not! The brain puts our body into a slumped or guarded position subconsciously. Our entire body is connected through the nervous system .The nervous system can be greatly influenced by regularly stretching our body and mind.
Change your posture and you can change your mindset just as changing your mindset will change your posture.
          The question is, are you incorporating a good flexibility program aside from your regular exercise? The more you exercise, the more time you need to incorporate stretching in order to balance out your routine. Most people I know choose to stretch only when they are exercising. This should be done daily! Again, your daily posture, which can lead to decreased flexibility thus having a direct effect on your mind and physical training. If you want to stay healthy in the long run, it’s best you start working on a stretching program now. Your range of motion will only decrease as you get older.
If you need help developing a stretching routine I recommend attending our energy exercise class or bands and balls workout. We incorporate healthy balanced stretches in the simple yet highly effective routine. Education on health and wellness stretches both mind and body.
          From years of working with patients my experience is people don't stretch their minds because of old have limiting beliefs. These beliefs hold us back from reaching our true potential. Creating a list of goals, dreams and desires can help stretch our brain and create a new mental set point. Narrowing things down into smaller pieces often makes it easier to stay on track and succeed more often. Aside from physical exercise, stretching your mind should be part of your everyday regimen. Add a goal of stretching your body daily, when you achieve this goal you have stretched both your mind and body!
