Monday, March 3, 2014

The Best Ways to Stretch YOUR Body and Mind

          Our body and our mind have a innate ability to stretch only to the level of our own limiting beliefs. If we are not stretching ourselves consistently we will tend to contract in both mind and body .

          We all know that stretching of muscles improves joint health and helps prevent injuries. It is equally important to stretch your mind for better brain function. There is a natural law that muscles will contract and develop increased rigidity if they are not regularly stretched. The same thing holds true for our mind. If we are not learning new things and creating new nerve connections we get rigid in our outlook on life and reduce brain function.
          Stretching is just as important as strength training and endurance but often neglected or overlooked in a wellness routine. We tend to underestimate the importance of flexibility in our lives.

Here are some of the benefits of stretching your body and mind.
•    Increases blood flow – blood flow gives you greater endurance, more strength and healthy brain function along with stronger bones and joints.

•    Release tension – flexibility reduces mental and physical stress resulting in improved posture which helps reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.

•    Improved coordination - brain exercises help improve memory and muscle stretches increase flexibility ,improves balance and coordination.

      Improves range of motion – flexibility makes it easier to move those joints and keep them healthy.

   Keeping active throughout life is imperative for a healthy brain. Increasing our focus to use all of our senses at a higher level creates better nerve synapses and a healthier nervous system.

          Flexibility is defined as the ability to move joints and muscles through their full range of motion. Even though we are in control of this range of motion, our bodies have a natural ‘set’ point. Through proper stretching exercises, we can push the set point farther. Over time, the muscles acclimate to the more elongated positions and which will increase our flexibility.
          With the technology world we live in most of us sit behind a computer all day. This practice can lead to the common “rounded shoulder and forward head syndrome.” This in turn leads to neck, shoulder and lower back pain. If you were to look at the posture of someone that was depressed; would they have good posture? Probably not! The brain puts our body into a slumped or guarded position subconsciously. Our entire body is connected through the nervous system .The nervous system can be greatly influenced by regularly stretching our body and mind.
Change your posture and you can change your mindset just as changing your mindset will change your posture.
          The question is, are you incorporating a good flexibility program aside from your regular exercise? The more you exercise, the more time you need to incorporate stretching in order to balance out your routine. Most people I know choose to stretch only when they are exercising. This should be done daily! Again, your daily posture, which can lead to decreased flexibility thus having a direct effect on your mind and physical training. If you want to stay healthy in the long run, it’s best you start working on a stretching program now. Your range of motion will only decrease as you get older.
If you need help developing a stretching routine I recommend attending our energy exercise class or bands and balls workout. We incorporate healthy balanced stretches in the simple yet highly effective routine. Education on health and wellness stretches both mind and body.
          From years of working with patients my experience is people don't stretch their minds because of old have limiting beliefs. These beliefs hold us back from reaching our true potential. Creating a list of goals, dreams and desires can help stretch our brain and create a new mental set point. Narrowing things down into smaller pieces often makes it easier to stay on track and succeed more often. Aside from physical exercise, stretching your mind should be part of your everyday regimen. Add a goal of stretching your body daily, when you achieve this goal you have stretched both your mind and body!

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