Monday, November 3, 2014

Can the NEWS Make You Sick?

I see more and more patients coming into the office under CONSTANT stress watching the daily news. We are living in a time where anxiety is more the norm than the exception. Most people are unaware of whats driving it subconsciously or of the profound impact it has on our health and lives.

A patient of mine that works in school counseling recently told me about the many children she is seeing who are filled with high levels of anxiety and are afraid of basic things like going to school or going into the school bathroom. They tell her things like: “if I am around other kids I might get very sick and die,” or “someone could hurt me if I go into the bathroom.”

When she looked deeper into their fears she realized they had all been exposed to the negative effects of pop culture media and had heard news of children getting exposed to lethal viruses, or being kidnapped in bathrooms. This constant daily barrage has subconsciously created children walking around in fear.

Adults experience the same response and often don't realize how much their kids are listening. Right now the Ebola virus and terrorist attacks are all over the news. The fear tactics of news media bringing calamity into our homes is creating more illness because constant fear suppresses the immune system.

Ive heard many people ask:
“But I need to be aware of whats going on so I can protect myself!
Isnt a little fear good for me so I avoid things that could hurt me?”  

My answer to that Is that there is a big difference between having intelligence and wisdom to avoid a dangerous situation…and living in fear. When we live our lives on  “high alert” our immune system is suppressed, our heart rate is affected, our food does not get digested, and our sleep is interrupted, so we get sick much easier.

The NEWS is not meant to support and inform us. The NEWS is big business and unfortunately BAD news sells.

So…what do I recommend?

Go on a NEWS fast for 7 days and see how you feel!
Ditch the newspapers and turn OFF your TV for one week. Yes, really. This has a profound and immediate impact on your wellbeing and the health of your body. Even your brain activity will become healthier…all within days.

I know you might not like this idea but we as a society are addicted to our news and electronics. When I teach my stress without distress class and recommend the news fast many people will gripe about the process and are bewildered that I am asking them to live “in isolation.” What they find instead is that they not only feel healthier and more at peace, but they very quickly deepen their connection and intimacy with family and others they love.

Im not asking you to live in a cave for the rest of your life to preserve your health and I'm not asking you to ignore whats happening around you. I promise, all the information you need to live a safe and healthy life will come to you anyway. Just try this for a week and see how you feel inside. Your brain wave patterns will be more natural, and concentration/rest will become much easier.

Better Brain TIP:

·         Unplug your television and don't log into your favorite internet news for one week.
·         Evaluate your internal level of stress at the end of the day.

·         Fill the time with conversation about your day with the family and not about world events.

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