Monday, November 24, 2014

What is the Most Important Thing to Do to Improve Overall BRAIN HEALTH?

What is the most important thing to do to improve overall brain health?

My answer: REDUCE the inflammatory process in the body .

The implementation of reducing inflammatory responses in the body is one of the best strategies to stay healthy and feel better. If you hear a diagnosis ending in "itis " it is a process of inflammation or trauma. Just think of arthritis, colitis, sinusitis, gastritis, bursitis, and many more. Many of the ailments our patients present at the office come from the negative effects of inflammation on the body's chemistry.

It is always important to look at mental, emotional, physical, and chemical stressors. Our brain chemistry is affected by all of these factors. In this blog I will be addressing the nutritional foods that reduce inflammation in our body.

TOP 8 foods that should be in your regular DIET:

1. Curry

Curry contains turmeric, a spice that in turn contains the anti-inflammatory antioxidant curcumin. Curcumin is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, which is one reason why it holds promise as a neuroprotective agent in a wide range of neurological disorders.

Research has shown that curcumin may help inhibit the accumulation of destructive beta amyloids in the brain of Alzheimer's patients, as well as break up existing plaques. Curcumin has even been shown to boost memory and stimulate the production of new brain cells, a process known as neurogenesis.

A word to the wisesome curry powders may contain very little curcumin compared to straight turmeric powder, so choose the latter for the best health benefits.

2. Celery

Celery is a rich source of luteolin, a plant compounds that may calm inflammation in your brain, which is a primary cause of neurodegeneration. Luteolin has also been linked with lower rates of age-related memory loss in mice. Make sure to always buy organic celery.

3. Broccoli and Cauliflower

Broccoli and cauliflower are good sources of choline, a B vitamin known for its role in brain development. Choline intake during pregnancy "super-charged" the brain activity of animals in utero, indicating that it may boost cognitive function, improve learning and memory,

It may even diminish age-related memory decline and your brain's vulnerability to toxins during childhood, as well as conferring protection later in life. Any food that looks like the brain has to be good for you.

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are good sources of plant-based omega-3 fats, natural phytosterols and antioxidants, and have been shown to reverse brain aging in older rats. Walnuts also look like a miniature brain so they are easy to remember if you want a better memory.

5. Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)

Garbanzo beans are one of the best food sources of magnesium (aside from kelp and green leafy vegetables). Magnesium citrate benefits brain cell receptors to speed the transmission of messages, while also relaxing blood vessels, which allows more blood flow to the brain.

6. Cold water fish

Non farmed salmon have a high amount of omega 3 oils that are necessary for proper brain development and function. Supplementation of omega 3 oils is the best way to get regular doses of these vital oils.

7. Red meat

Grass-fed beef is an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is vital for healthy brain function. People with high levels of markers for vitamin B12 deficiency are more likely to score lower on cognitive tests, as well as have a smaller total brain volume, which suggests a lack of the vitamin may lead to brain shrinkage.

8. Blueberries

The antioxidants and other phytochemicals in blueberries have been linked to improvements in learning, thinking and memory, along with reductions in neurodegenerative oxidative stress. They're also relatively low in fructose compared to other fruits, making them one of the healthier fruits available.

Start TODAY...your body and health will thank you for it!

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Five Biggest Fears Parents Have About ADHD Medication

It is estimated that more than 10 percent of ALL school age children are now on some sort of medication for ADHD and will continue to rise. I know that there are alternatives to this approach and I see families transformed by lifestyle changes as opposed to drugging our kids. As a wellness doctor, parent and grandparent, I think this is one of the greatest mistakes we as a society are doing to our future generations.

About two-thirds of children diagnosed with ADHD take medications as part of their ADHD treatment. The concerns you may have as a parent are legitimate when faced with the decision of placing your kids on ADHD meds. This is not a simple decision and lifestyle changes should be considered first before drugs. There are many unanswered questions regarding the short- and long-term side effects. Over 30 years of experience in private practice I have compiled what I feel are the five most common fears parents have about ADHD treatment decisions for their children

These are the most recent answers to the questions families have about medicating their children and what science and doctors say about them. These are only a list of fears and not the solution to the problem.

Alternative solutions to ADHD treatment and prevention will be addressed in future blogs.

 Fear No. 1: "ADHD medicines will stunt my childs growth."

Research shows that there is a slight chance of ADHD medications slowing growth, about 2 to 3 percent, stated Dr Handelman MD,author of attention difference disorder. However his statement was" that doesn't mean your child will be a foot shorter than he should be. If anything, it could be two to three centimeters". ADHD medications can affect growth hormone at certain stages of development.

Fear No. 2: "ADHD medications can cause my child to have a heart attack."

Research shows some ADHD medications can raise a childs heart rate and blood pressure.
The American Heart Association recommends that anyone, child or adult, be evaluated by a cardiologist before starting a stimulant, which is what most ADHD medications are. The cardiac evaluation should include an electrocardiogram if the child has a history of heart problems.

Fear No. 3: "My child will be on medications for the rest of his life.

Studies show that once prescribed most children need medications for most of their structured education, at least through high school and maybe through college, stated Dr Handelman MD

Fear No. 4: ADHD medications will cause my child to gain weight.

Typical ADHD medications are stimulants, and stimulants actually may cause weight loss, not weight gain, explains Pejman Katiraei, DO, FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician who focuses on ADHD and runs the Lifespan Medicine Healthy Kids Program in Santa Monica, Calif. Stimulants can suppress appetite, and some children may have stomach pains from the medications.

However, some physicians prescribe other medications "off-label," meaning they are not FDA-approved for ADHD, and those medications can cause weight gain. Typically, though, these medications are for children who exhibit aggressive behaviors and not ADHD symptoms, Dr. Katiraei says.

Fear No. 5: My childs brain will not be able to develop normally.

The research on this question is not complete and may be skewed by statistics. Some parents are concerned that the use of ADHD drugs could interfere with normal brain development. However, studies at the National Institutes of Health looking at the use of ADHD medications over time are inconclusive as to how they to affect brain growth and development.

This is my #1  question in relation to the way treatment of ADHD is moving in western medicine.

Is putting a child on a medication early in life setting a mindset to take a drug to affect how they feel for the rest of their life?

The lack of understanding by the general population as to what is causing this epidemic problem is just sweeping the needed lifestyle changes under the rug.

It is my opinion that adding a drug to our growing children is a societal problem that must be addressed. A  drug is a drug and children learn early on as to how they will live the rest of their lives. Most ADHD treatment plans must include nutritional advice, exercise and psychological therapy. This problem must include parents making changes at home and working with your childs teachers.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Can the NEWS Make You Sick?

I see more and more patients coming into the office under CONSTANT stress watching the daily news. We are living in a time where anxiety is more the norm than the exception. Most people are unaware of whats driving it subconsciously or of the profound impact it has on our health and lives.

A patient of mine that works in school counseling recently told me about the many children she is seeing who are filled with high levels of anxiety and are afraid of basic things like going to school or going into the school bathroom. They tell her things like: “if I am around other kids I might get very sick and die,” or “someone could hurt me if I go into the bathroom.”

When she looked deeper into their fears she realized they had all been exposed to the negative effects of pop culture media and had heard news of children getting exposed to lethal viruses, or being kidnapped in bathrooms. This constant daily barrage has subconsciously created children walking around in fear.

Adults experience the same response and often don't realize how much their kids are listening. Right now the Ebola virus and terrorist attacks are all over the news. The fear tactics of news media bringing calamity into our homes is creating more illness because constant fear suppresses the immune system.

Ive heard many people ask:
“But I need to be aware of whats going on so I can protect myself!
Isnt a little fear good for me so I avoid things that could hurt me?”  

My answer to that Is that there is a big difference between having intelligence and wisdom to avoid a dangerous situation…and living in fear. When we live our lives on  “high alert” our immune system is suppressed, our heart rate is affected, our food does not get digested, and our sleep is interrupted, so we get sick much easier.

The NEWS is not meant to support and inform us. The NEWS is big business and unfortunately BAD news sells.

So…what do I recommend?

Go on a NEWS fast for 7 days and see how you feel!
Ditch the newspapers and turn OFF your TV for one week. Yes, really. This has a profound and immediate impact on your wellbeing and the health of your body. Even your brain activity will become healthier…all within days.

I know you might not like this idea but we as a society are addicted to our news and electronics. When I teach my stress without distress class and recommend the news fast many people will gripe about the process and are bewildered that I am asking them to live “in isolation.” What they find instead is that they not only feel healthier and more at peace, but they very quickly deepen their connection and intimacy with family and others they love.

Im not asking you to live in a cave for the rest of your life to preserve your health and I'm not asking you to ignore whats happening around you. I promise, all the information you need to live a safe and healthy life will come to you anyway. Just try this for a week and see how you feel inside. Your brain wave patterns will be more natural, and concentration/rest will become much easier.

Better Brain TIP:

·         Unplug your television and don't log into your favorite internet news for one week.
·         Evaluate your internal level of stress at the end of the day.

·         Fill the time with conversation about your day with the family and not about world events.