Monday, July 14, 2014

What's your state of mind?

I learned a long time ago that the only thing I can truly control in my LIFE  is my own state of mind. Learning to take control of my emotional state of mind created a sense of power and peace. This is a princple I continue to practice as a daily discipline.
One of my favorite items to research is the organizing principles of complex neurological processes, and how the brain works to create the best and healthiest response. This action seems to pay off more often than not. My ultimate goal for myself and my patients is to create a healthier brain and nervous system. Many times the stresses we put on ourselves are self inflicted by our own actions and responses to different LIFE situations.
How do I do it?  Personally I believe it comes down to ASK-ing a better question of myself when under STRESS. Looking for the possible lesson to learn is always the highest and best decision .

If a stressful situation arises ASK a pattern interrupting question(s) -How can I be more calm at this specific moment? Would it change my outcome?

Just by stopping to ASK these questions of myself gives my mind the ability and time to pause for a moment. I decrease the intensity of my "react".

My list of "C" states or emotions:

C states: Calm, Creative, Curious, Collective, Caring, Centered. This process helps me stop and evaluate the emotional state I am striving to create before I might over react. My body is healthier in the long run by not creating an unnecessary fight or flight stress response.
Avoid my "F" states list to decrease stress:
These states are often also self inflicted energy draining responses that can be avoided
F states stands for Fearful, Frantic, Fragile, Forgetful, Furious, Frustrated.
The intent of this information...WE have the ability to consciously use our higher brain to  create our own internal states. Unconscious feelings can be turned into much healthier emotions. Stopping for even just a moment before we react kicks us out of the lower brain fight or flight response. This is a much healthier choice... be more proactive and less reactive!

Better Brain Tip:

Try ASKing yourself a BETTER question next time you're starting to feel out of control or stressed.

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