Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Activate Your Brain and Discover Your Brilliance

"We all have higher innate senses that when discovered have an amazing ability to unlock our brilliance inside of each of us". 
                                                 Dr Bob Graykowski

 For over the last 30 years I have been teaching and sharing my mission and message, and there is one thing I have seen in almost every person I have had the privilege to care for in my office. Every human being has an innate desire to empower the most important areas of their life. They have an internal drive to do something that is meaningful to them, an inspiring mission that they can dedicate their lives to with passion.

 Many have a desire to awaken their mental power and intellect. Others have a desire to make a difference at a higher level of service in their career. Most desire financial independence and wealth. Almost everyone has a desire to have more love and intimacy in their family dynamic. Instinctively they all have a true burning desire to go out and have an influence on the world so they can be a leader in society. Innately we all have a desire for finding a fountain of youth or have an attraction and sense of awe for the beauty of nature.

I have said for many decades that any area of your life that you dont consistently empower is an area that will undergo a level of breakdown. Unfortunately in today's busy lifestyle it is easy to get caught up in reacting to life as opposed to having a proactive vision for your future.

As an adult no one is required to get you up every morning, to empower your life and to fulfill these areas - thats up to you. So if you are not empowering all areas of your life you will be over powered in one or more area and suffer a breakdown eventually .People will take command of you and you will have to subordinate to their demands instead of going after your dreams.

There are simple strategies, principles and activities that you can do on a daily basis that can empower these areas. As part of the Better Brain Academy,  I am going to show you how to do that; how to wake up your highest mental awareness, how to be inspired and go after your dreams, how to actively learn more effectively and expand your mind, how to make a difference in your life and how to inspire your personal relationships.

There is no reason to have other people run you; its time you run you. When you consistently listen to your inner voice and see your highest vision you will be able to trust that your innate feelings are guiding you to discover your greatest brilliance. Nothing is more profound then tapping into discovering your highest innate senses. When you take time out of each day to trust your innate guidance you have begun the journey to master your life.

Better Brain Tip

Watch the in8 senses video and take 20 minutes every day for the next week to tap into your highest senses

Write down each date what was your highest vision, what that inner voice was saying and how it made you feel.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Argument Formula

The emotional brain (Limbic system) tends to ultimately control our actions. Every human being has a protective territory that fluctuates according to their own unique Values, Emotions, Rules and Beliefs (V.E.R.B).

 Arguments and emotional upset happen in a relationship when there is a conflict between each other's core values, threshold rules or personal beliefs. This can happen between parents and children, husband and wife, employer and employee or even between countries.

Any perceptions that are not in alignment have a higher potential to cause arguments.To evaluate this consciously, many times the root cause comes down to the need for more space, time, energy or matter. When you're in conflict just ask yourself am I giving too much or too little space,time ,energy or matter here .When you find out which one it is and provide its needs the argument usually stops.

It's surprisingly simple

Did you know we store a running checklist in our mind of all interactions in a relationship. The brain will keep a complete log of every exchange from the time you met. Conflict arises when there is a rule break regarding each other's values and beliefs.

When there's a confrontation these emotions can lead to a fight or flight response. If you are wired to fight screaming or physical abuse may occur. If you are wired more for flight you may just leave and never resolve the true issue. Remember what they think is just what they think. It may or may not be accurate but emotional upset can continue to build creating more fire for a future argument.

 In the process of evaluating the root cause, sometimes they think they've given you a lot of attention (time) and wants the same back. Sometimes they feel they were there for you (space )and suddenly you're not available. Sometimes they bought you a gift or gave you something (matter) and expect you to reciprocate. Sometimes they listen to your challenges (energy) and now they want you to listen to their concerns also.

These may seem like small things but perceptions or imbalance have the power to close the heart and create long term mental stress. In the heat of an argument sometimes all a person wants is to be left alone .If you leave them to themselves for 10 minutes they can come back and hug you and want to be with you .

It is important to give them SPACE when they need it and you'll get loved in return. Sometimes they want you in their space and when you're willing to just stop and be with them the problem disappears

The process of being present is more powerful than hours of inpatient half attention. A proACTIVE way to reduce the intensity and occurrence of arguments is to be more in tune with and strive to meet your partners VALUES, EMOTIONS, RULES and BELIEFS (V.E.R.B).

Better Brain Tips

Be proACTIVE and have the VERB discussion regarding your relationship

1) Share your values regarding the source of conflict in a relaxed setting.
Question- Values
What's most important to you regarding _________?

2) Share your emotions that you are feeling regarding conflict.
Question -Emotions
How do you feel when _________?

3) Understand each other's rules and possible rule breaks.
Question- Rules
What would happen if ________?

4) Understand each other's global and personal beliefs .
Questions- Beliefs
What do you believe about________?
Why do you believe ___________?

In the end sometimes it may be best to agree to disagree to reduce conflict.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Beware of Brain Toxins in Your Food

MSG (monosodium glutamate) is used as a preservative and flavor enhancer in countless processed foods. But while it works enhancing your foods flavors it is also at work doing potential damage to your brain and body.

MSG is a excitotoxin, a type of chemical transmitter that allows brain cells to communicate .The problem is that excitotoxins can literally excite your brain cells to death. Aside from harming your brain, MSG has also been linked to eye damage, headaches, fatigue, disorientation and depression.

If we all knew how toxic MSG was I doubt anyone would actually consciously ingest this toxin. It is critical for our long term health to investigate the potential toxic effects and get better educated. Many times the problem results from eating processed foods or eating in a restaurant where you have virtually no control of what is added to your food before you eat it.

If you are ever going to take control of your health you will need to take responsibility for ALL the food you eat and be very conscious of avoiding this toxin in the processed foods you purchase or the restaurants you frequent most.

Unless of course you don't mind losing your brain cells.

If you don't believe this then you clearly have not watched Dr. Blaylock's (retired neurosurgeon) lecture on MSG.

Children are most at risk from MSG. The blood brain barrier, which keeps toxins in the blood from entering the brain, is not fully developed in children. MSG can also penetrate the placental barrier and affect unborn children as well. Nonetheless, most major brands of infant formula contain some processed free glutamic acid (a form of MSG).

It is very difficult to really know whether MSG (monosodium glutamate) is in your food, because it goes by so many aliases. To avoid ingesting this toxic additive, youre best off choosing fresh, unprocessed foods. But becoming familiar with the hidden names of MSG can also help you determine what foods to eat.

Here is just a sampling of ingredients that contain MSG
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Yeast Extract
Malted Barley
Rice Syrup
Brown Rice Syrup

Also, many restaurants add MSG to their menu items, so when eating out always be sure to tell your server that you dont want MSG added to your food, or ask if they are MSF FREE. Promote and frequent restaurants with healthy food practices.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Does Sitting too Much Lead to Depression?

The average American sits more than 8 hours every single day. There is a growing scientific support showing that the more time you spend sitting, the shorter and less healthy you become. Excessive sitting, such as driving to work, at a desk , on a computer or in front of the TV, significantly impacts your brain health ,cardiovascular and metabolic function.

This raises your risk for heart attack, diabetes, arthritis, insomnia and certain types of cancerand that's just the tip of the iceberg. Sitting for extended periods of time without getting up increases your risk for premature death. This is especially concerning given the fact that you may be vulnerable to these risks even if you are a fit athlete who exercises regularly.

The problem is that science is also showing us that temporary vigorous exercise cannot compensate for the damage incurred by prolonged daily sitting  It's becoming increasingly clear that intermittent movement is critical for health and longevity, even more so than a regular workout routine. In order to be healthy, you have to get up off your behindand you have to do it often.

Not only is excessive sitting detrimental to your physical health, but studies show it does nothing good for your mental health either. Just like the rest of your body, your brain depends on strong blood flow, good oxygenation, and optimal glucose metabolism to work properly. Walking, muscular contractions and deep breathing exercises are necessary to pump the fluid around the brain and spine for eliminating toxins and bringing fresh oxygen.

When you sit, your skeletal muscle fibers aren't contracting, particularly the large muscles of your lower limbs. When this occurs, they require less fuel, and the surplus glucose accumulates in your bloodstream and contributes to obesity, diabetes, and other health problems.

An Australian study, published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, set out to determine if prolonged sitting and lack of exercise have an effect on depression. Researchers analyzed the habits of nearly 9,000 women, ages 50 to 55, over several years' time.

Women who sat for more than seven hours a day were found to have a 47 percent higher risk of depression than women who sat for four hours or less per day.

Women who didn't participate in ANY physical activity had a 99 percent higher risk of developing depression than women who exercised. The findings were crystal clear: excessive sitting and lack of exercise resulted in an increase in depression symptoms among middle-aged women.

Researchers concluded that increased physical activity could alleviate existing depression symptoms and possibly even prevent future symptoms. And reducing the amount of daily sitting time may relieve existing symptoms of depression.

Sitting Increases Psychological Distress, Decreases Feelings of Well-Being

Why does sitting have such a negative impact on mental health?
Psychology Today may have the answer: "Some of the psychological effects of sitting may be rooted in what people tend to do while in their chairs. They may stare at an electronic screen, rather than connecting emotionally with others. They may watch mindless TV shows, rather than engaging intellectually with the world. Or they may multitask ceaselesslyflitting between work emails, personal texts, social media, and the Internetrather than honing their attention."

Spending excess time at your computer may lead to insomnia and depression. A British study involving 25,000 people found that those working long hours in front of computers complained of feeling depressed, anxious, and reluctant to get up for work in the mornings. They found that working just five hours per day in front of a computer screen is enough to produce depression and insomnia.

Sitting in Front of a Computer is Bad for Your Child, Too!

It's already well established that insufficient physical activity is significantly contributing to our childhood obesity epidemic. But if your child spends a lot of time in front of an electronic screen, his or her mental health may also be at risk. In one UK study, excessive screen time produced negative effects on children's self-worth, self-esteem and level of self-reported happiness.

The children who spent four hours or more computer gaming reported lower levels of well-being than their peers who spent less time in this activity. Children spending more time in front of computer screens also experience more emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and behavioral difficulties.9

It is very difficult if not impossible to refrain from sitting altogether, given today's lifestyle. However, the good news is that there are some excellent strategies to help counter the effects of sittingand they are not that difficult to learn and incorporate into your daily routine. So don't take this news sitting down!

Better Brain Tips

1) Make walking a priority for 30 minutes of continuos movement daily.

2) Set a timer for 45 minutes to get up and move to circulate blood ,lymph and cerebrospinal fluid

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How Gut Health Affects the Brain!

The gut is often called "the second brain," because your gut bacteria transmit information to your brain via the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is tenth cranial nerve that runs from your brain stem into your enteric nervous system (the nervous system of your gastrointestinal tract).

There is a close connection between abnormal gut flora and abnormal brain development. There are neurons in your brain just like the neurons in your gut -- including neurons that produce neurotransmitters like serotonin. Serotonin which is also found in your brain and is linked to mood and depression.

Your gut health can impact your brain function, moods, and behavior because they are interconnected and interdependent in a number of different ways. In addition to avoiding sugar, hydrogenated oils, and artificial sweeteners one of the best ways to support gut health is to consume beneficial bacteria.

You can use a probiotic supplement for this or organic Greek yogurt. I'm particularly fond of using fermented vegetables, because they can deliver extraordinarily high levels of beneficial bacteria. Most people aren't aware that in a healthy serving of sauerkrauttwo to three ounces or so you're getting the equivalent of nearly 100 capsules of the highest-potency probiotic you can buy. It's clearly one of the most cost-effective alternatives.

Often the lower brain senses such as cravings for sweets can override the higher brain messages If menus are not pre-planned. Better Brain strategies must always include making sure the gut is healthy. 

Better Brain Tip:

How much of your planned meals support the BRAIN HEALTH of you and your family?

This week add gut healthy, brain supporting foods to your weekly meals!